Saturday, December 28, 2013

Picture Play

Hello again!
We thought it would be fun to get all dressed
up and be silly yesterday.
Here are a few results.
The house is so full of play right now with
very little quiet time.
It is so much fun but
so very exhausting.
Hope that you are having just as much fun as
we are right now!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Blessed With Another Year!

This year has had its difficulties I have to say but
with a different approach to them.
I have had the honor of seeing God work so
many times to increase faith.
I have had the loving support of my
amazing husband who encourages me to
be all that I can.
My children are blossoming day by day with
their own personalities in tact.
They are super smart, sweet, and overall
a blessing to everyone who they happen to meet.
Our church home is such a blessing and
we have been serving with such joy.
I may have not talked about it as much as
I would have liked but I have been working
on my word for the year 2013 which is free.
This word will probably carry over into 2014.
I do feel some chains have fallen and burdens lifted.
May God see fit to continue his work in me and
through me!
Love you all and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Recent Activities

Good morning all!
It has been quite a challenge I must say getting back as
of late. We have been so busy with
fighting colds, rehersals, speeches, programs,
events, and it goes on! LOL!
It has all been wonderful, except the sick part, but
makes my poor blog suffer.
I wanted to be sure to invite everyone
to our Christmas Concert Fundraiser this year.
All the info is right here and you
can personally contact me if in need of tickets.
They are only $10 each!
It is going to such a blessed time!

My angle girl Leilani gave the announcement this past
Sunday to let everyone know about the childrens 
Christmas Program as well on the 22nd starting at 9:00 am.

Oh Holy Night was such a joy to sing for me as
well this past Sunday.
They finally got me up there!
All for His glory!

Also here are the Voices of Praise from this weekend.
We missed our sister Debbie but was so happy to see her
back in service on Sunday.
It was SO COLD!

Well, now you know where I have been lately
along with some creating in the mist of it all.
I will be sure to share asap.
Now it is time to go and clean!
Love you all and stay safe out there!